Sunday, 21 March 2010

When someone goes missing. A desperate plea... - Ecademy

Last Monday evening my sister said goodbye to her partner as he went off on a few business appointments over the next couple of days. They spoke on the phone that evening at that is the last she has heard from him. No emails - our messages are not even being delivered, no phone calls, his mobile is switched off and he never does that unless he is driving. His car is missing, he missed his appointments, his boss has not heard from him. For those who know him he is reliable and trustworthy - this is all out of character. He has been registered as a missing person - the hospitals have been checked and the police are doing all they can. But as my sister is not next of kin ( he has 2 brother overseas whom he has lost touch with) there is only so much they can tell her, Data Protection and all that. They are now talking about an appeal for information on the news. Whilst we all as a family rack our brains and speculate as to what may have happened, and live under a shadow of unimaginable worry, we see my sister being consumed with the madness of not knowing what has happened or where he is. It is unbearable for her and unbearable for us to watch - just as she has found love in her life at last. In the last few months i have never seen her so happy - it is like some magic dust had been sprinkled in her life at last - and in an instance something has snatched it away from her as if it was just some sort of sick joke. The point of me blogging this to my friends here on Ecademy is to reach out and ask your advice. We may have already thought of most things to help find him, we may not - please just throw some ideas at me as to other avenues of investigation we may not have considered and could pursue - or advice on how to help my sister hold it together and get through this. She has had enough tragedy in her life that has been handed out in disproportionate quantities for one person, in my opinion. She does not need this. I am just desperate to help in any way ... Even if you cannot think of anything please 'LIKE' this blog so it get to the top and attracts attention. This is so important. THANKYOU EVERYONE Ruth>

Posted via web from Zara Lockwood's "Kafe Im Limon" Blog

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